For anyone baptized as a Roman Catholic, the final step in Christian Initiation is the sacrament of Confirmation. During Confirmation, the bishop “confirms” what began at baptism and seals us with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
In the Archdiocese of Seattle, the usual age of confirmation is age 16 or older. Confirmation usually will be celebrated during the Easter Season, depending on the availability of our bishop.
For adults who aren’t baptized, were baptized in a different Church, or were baptized Catholic but not raised in the Catholic Church, confirmation may be celebrated at a different liturgy.
To learn more about confirmation, please contact the parish office!
Adults who feel called to join the Catholic Church and want to join fully in the celebration of the Eucharist are a great blessing for our parish. The process can be several months or even a year or two, depending where you are on your faith journey.
Anyone age 7 and older who isn't baptized will be fully initiated (celebrate baptism, confirmation, and Eucharist) at the Easter Vigil (the night before Easter). The Roman Catholic Church has a process called the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) with various stages and celebrations as you proceed on your faith journey.
For anyone age 7 and older, who was baptized in a different Christian Church, the process will reflect your life experience. You can make a Profession of Faith, be received into the Church, be confirmed, and celebrate First Communion any Sunday after adequate preparation.
To learn more, contact the parish office!